How Do I Share My CV and Cover Letter?

Once your CV is ready, you can take advantage of's free service to share an online link to your CV or cover letter. Your materials remain private by default and are only shared when you choose to share them. You can easily download a PDF of your cover letter to save and share with potential employers.

Sharing a link is a modern and convenient way to send both your CV and cover letter via email, social media message, or even through text. You can use our premium design themes online for free, without having to upgrade to a premium account.

Additionally, our PDF Merge option is incredibly convenient. You're able to merge your CV and cover letter together into a single document, avoiding clutter and streamlining your job applications. You can find this new function in the dropdown menu under "More" to the right of your CV or cover letter preview. Simply select the two documents you want to merge and you're all set!

How to share a CV:

Each version of your CV has its own unique URL that can be shared. If you have multiple versions of your CV, you'll have different URLs you can share as well.

To share a CV, go to your CV dashboard and click “More” on the drop-down menu to access the “Share a link” option. You can also access the “Share a link” option by clicking on the “…” on the bottom right side of the preview page. It should look something like this:

From there, you’ll be able to:

  • Copy and paste the URL to send via email, message, or text 
  • Click the button to share on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

How it works:

Sharing on social media:

When you post your CV on social media, we'll include some formatting to help you get started. But don't worry - you can always modify the post as needed before you hit ‘share.’ Any edits you make to your CV will be reflected immediately in the CV on the public webpage.

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