How Do I Cancel, Downgrade or Delete My Account?

To cancel your subscription, simply head over to our website and navigate to the “Contact Us” page. From there, select the "Cancel Subscription" option and enter your email address to search for your account. Once your email address is found, click the cancel subscription button and we'll send you a confirmation email. If you don't receive the email within a few minutes, be sure to check your spam folder or search your inbox for "" If you're still experiencing issues, try searching for a different email address or contact our support team for assistance. You can also find options to downgrade or delete your account by heading to the “Account Settings” page or by logging into our app. 

How can I cancel or downgrade my account from the app?

If you’d like to cancel or downgrade your account, you can do so directly from our app. Simply log in and click the dropdown menu located in the upper right corner. From there, select “Account Settings” and follow the prompts to cancel or downgrade your account. Please remember that choosing to delete your account is a permanent action and will delete all of your information. You will receive a warning like this: 

You will have the option to either keep your current settings, delete or downgrade your account. 

What will happen after I cancel or downgrade my account? 

Once you confirm your cancellation, you’ll enjoy premium access to our features for either 30 days or 7 days, depending on which subscription plan you signed up for. After your premium subscription expires, you’ll be reverted back to a free account and lose access to your premium features.

Don’t worry, though – you can log back in to any time to access your CV or cover letter and continue editing at any time. You can still access our free features, and you can upgrade your account at any time. 

How can I permanently delete my account? 

To permanently delete your account, navigate to the bottom of the Account Settings page and select the “Delete Account” button. You’ll be prompted with a warning like this:

Remember: Deleting your account is permanent. Once your account is deleted, you will not be able to access your documents ever again, and our support team will not be able to retrieve these files for you. 

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