How do I duplicate or create multiple versions of my CV or cover letter?

By subscribing to a premium plan, you'll have the ability to generate an endless amount of CVs and cover letters. Conversely, our free plan permits you to create one CV and cover letter, which you can modify as needed over time.

How to Duplicate a CV:

To create a copy of your CV in, you'll need to log in to your account and go to your CV Dashboard. Once you're there, you should be able to see a list of all of your saved CVs. To create a duplicate of a particular CV, simply click on the "Duplicate" button. Easy! It should look like this: 

How to rename CVs and cover letters: 

It's important to give each of your CVs and cover letters a unique name to keep your job search organised. Our users typically name their documents after the job they're applying for. It's best to customise your CV and cover letter for each job you apply to. To rename your documents, you can easily click on the document name on your CV Dashboard. It should look a little like this: 

Once you make a copy of your CV and give it a new name, you'll be able to edit the duplicate while your original CV remains unchanged. This allows you to upload a different photo and apply a different template to the new version. 

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